Visa to carry out a work activity as an employee in Spain as a member of senior management personnel, a specialist or a trainee, to perform a contract, or in respect of a professional relationship, when the transfer is made within the same company or group of companies.
The following family members of the worker may also obtain the visa:
In order to apply for an Intra-Company Transfers Visa at the BLS Spain Visa Application Center in Washington DC you must be a resident in our jurisdiction (Washington, D.C., Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia and North Carolina).
Please be sure that you have already all the required documents before scheduling an appointment, as only complete applications with all the requirements will be admitted.
Applicants must make an appointment in the National Visa Appointment option and submit in person all the documentation in:
1660 L St NW, Second Floor, Suite: 216, Washington, DC 20036
The Revised visa fee and BLS service charge are as follows:
Visa Fee Depending of Citizenship | Amount in USD |
U.S. citizens | $190 |
Citizens of Australia | $3.111 |
Citizens of Bangladesh | $99 |
Citizens of Canada | $811 |
Citizens of Ethiopia | $508 |
Citizens of Mauritania | $263 |
Citizens of the UK | $917 |
All other citizens | $88 |
BLS service charge | $23 |
National visa application form. Each applicant must complete and sign a visa application, filling in each of its sections. Visa applications can be filled out electronically or handwritten in capital letters.
Please do not forget to fill out numbers 17, 18 (your address, email and telephone number), 21 (intended date of entry) 24, 25 (NIE) and 27 (complete information related to the employer in Spain) on the application form.
1 photograph: Glued or clipped onto visa application form. Photo specifications: Taken within the last 6 months to reflect your current appearance, passport-size, color photograph, printed on matte/glossy paper, taken against a white, light, clear, uniform background, facing forward, without dark or reflective glasses, or any garments concealing the applicant’s full oval of the face.
Photos with a dark background or with objects or people that can be seen behind your head will not be accepted. Photographs of babies must not show any part of the adult holding them.
Proof of residence in the consular district. The applicant must be a legal resident or be enrolled in in-person studies within the Consular Section’s consular jurisdiction (Washington, D.C., Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, and West Virginia).
Residence must be proved by one of the following, valid documents: U.S. driver’s license, state ID. Original and photocopy.
Residence authorization. Authorization of Initial Residence for Intra-company Transfers (“Autorización de residencia inicial para traslado intraempresarial”) issued by the UGECE (“Unidad de Grandes Empresas y Colectivos Estratégicos”, del “Ministerio de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones” de España – “Large Companies and Strategic Groups Unit”, “Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration” of Spain).
Each family member accompanying the worker must submit a Residence authorization issued in favor of the family member.
Criminal record check certificate. Applicants of legal age (18 years old and older) must submit the original and a photocopy (not notarized) of their criminal background check certificate(s) issued by their country or countries of residence for the past 2 years.
The criminal background check must be issued by the U.S. Department of Justice – Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). We do not accept State or Local Police Background Check.
The background check must be issued within the 6 months preceding the submission of the visa application.
The background check must be authenticated with The Hague Apostille. We do not accept background checks without the Hague Apostille.
The Apostille must certify the signature on the Criminal Background check, not other signatures. We do not accept apostilles that certify the signature of a notary that stamps a seal on the criminal background check.
The criminal background check will not be accepted if it has been altered or damaged in any way, including damage caused by removing staples
The background check must be accompanied by an official translation into Spanish by a sworn/certified translator. (The translation does not need an Apostille and the Apostille does not need a translation).
If the applicant has spent more than 6 months (more than 180 days) during the last 2 years in another country (outside the USA or Spain), an additional criminal background check from every country of residence must be provided. The criminal background checks must be authenticated with the Apostille of The Hague, unless it is issued by an EU member state. The criminal background check issued by an EU authority does not need to be apostilled to be accepted. If the country in which the applicant has lived in the past 2 years does not subscribe to The Hague Convention of 1961, the background check must by authenticated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the issuing country and then by the Consulate of Spain in this country. The background check must be accompanied by an official translation into Spanish (if the original is not written in Spanish).
Please submit the original and a photocopy of all the documents: background check, apostille and official translation.
Required documents for family members
For each family member accompanying the worker, the following must be submitted:
Foreign official documents must be apostilled or legalized and must be submitted together with an official translation into Spanish.
Please submit the original and a copy of all the documents proving family relationship.
Additional documents, Interview:
When necessary to assess the application, the Consular Office may request additional documents or data and may also ask the applicant to come in for a personal interview.
The visa accredits residence in Spain during its validity period, making it unnecessary for the worker to obtain a Foreigner Identity Card. However, it is advisable to apply for a Foreigner Identity Card (T.I.E.) after the worker’s entry into Spain, especially if the residence authorization is valid for more than 1 year. The TIE is renewable, and it is possible to initiate the TIE renewal procedure within 60 days before the expiration of the TIE card.
Note: We regret we cannot accept photographs that do not meet these requirements
Please provide one recent photograph (not more than 6 months old) of yourself, which should not have been used previously in the passport. The photograph should be in colour and:
Note: Please follow these instructions carefully. If photographs presented do not meet these requirements your application will be considered incomplete. A photo booth meeting these requirements is available at the centre.
Decision period: Once the application is accepted as complete, the legal term to reach a resolution is 10 days from the day after the application was registered in the visa system (not from the date of receipt of application at the BLS office), but this time frame may be extended if an interview or additional documents are requested.
Visa refusal The refusal of the visa will always be notified in writing , stating the reasons on which the decision was based.
Appeals. If the visa is refused, the applicant may submit an appeal for reconsideration in Spanish to the Consular Office within a period of 1 month from the day following the date of receipt of the denial notice. A contentious-administrative appeal may also be filed before the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid within a period of 2 months from the day following the date on which the applicant receives the notification of the refusal of a visa or the dismissal of the appeal for reconsideration.
Validity period of the visa: The visa is valid for 1 year, or for the same period as the residence authorization granted (if the residence authorization is valid for less than 1 year). Once the visa has been collected, the applicant must enter Spanish territory during the validity period of the visa. The visa must be stamped upon entry into the Schengen States.
The visa accredits residence in Spain during its validity period, making it unnecessary for the worker to obtain a Foreigner Identity Card. However, it is advisable to apply for a Foreigner Identity Card (T.I.E.) after the worker’s entry into Spain, especially if the residence authorization is valid for more than 1 year. The TIE is renewable, and it is possible to initiate the TIE renewal procedure within 60 days before the expiration of the TIE card.