Apply for Visa to Spain In Miami usa flag
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Must apply to a student visa those foreigners who wish to:

  • Carry out or extend studies in an authorized educational center in Spain, in a full-time program, leading to the obtaining of a degree or certificate of studies.
  • Participate in a student mobility program, follow a secondary education program and / or baccalaureate in an officially recognized teaching or scientific center.
  • Carry out research or training activities.
  • Carry out non-labor practices in a public or private organization.
  • Provide volunteer service within a program that pursues objectives of general interest.

US citizens (or any other nationality that does not require a visa to enter Spain) who travel to study less than 90 days do not need to apply for this visa.

The Consulate General of Spain in Miami has jurisdiction over the following states: Florida, Georgia and South Carolina.

Visa applications must be submitted well in advance of the start of the relevant study programmes, as the procedure involves consultations with other authorities. Incomplete applications are not allowed.

Family members who can obtain a visa to accompany the student:
  • Spouse or legally recognized domestic partner.
  • Children under 18 years of age or children with disabilities.
    Family members will not be able to work during their stay in Spain.

Formas de presentación de documentos:

All applications for study visas (students and family members, conversation assistants, au pairs, volunteers, etc.) must be submitted IN PERSON at BLS Visa Aplication Center for Spain.

BLS - Spain Visa Application Center, Miami
National visa department 3191 Coral Way, Suite 611, Miami FL 33145

The presentation may be made by the applicant or through a duly accredited representative, for which the notarized model can be used. See Download Forms section.

The visa collection, regardless of the form of presentation, always have to be picked up IN PERSON by the student/conversation assistant/volunteer/au pair, etc., at the BLS Visa Service for Spain office.

An appointment will be requested on the following website: (National Visas)

Telephone: 786-329-7199
In the following link, you can find all the information corresponding to this type of visa:

IMPORTANT NOTE: until December 1, 2023, BLS Visa Service for Spain will continue to accept applications by postal mail, addressed to 250 Catalonia Ave, Suite 706, Coral Gables Miami 33134.

The Revised visa fee and BLS service charge are as follows:

Consulate Visa Fee Based on Citizenship & Duration Amount in USD
All other nationals 94
United States of America 160
Australia 451
United Kingdom > longer than 180 days 437
United Kingdom < shorter than 180 days 94
Bangladesh 94
Mauritania 252
Ethiopia > longer than 180 days 490
Ethiopia < shorter than 180 days 94
BLS Service Fee Amount in USD
All Nationals 18
Notifications (SMS) 5
  • All Fees are non-refundable
  • The Visa Fee is subject to change without notice

You must submit the following documents (Documents 1 to 7 are essential to start the process):

  • National Visa Application Form. completed and signed. You can download it from Download forms section. Do not forget to indicate the email in section #17.
  • Recent color photograph (U.S. passport size 2"x2") with light and uniform background, preferably white. Photographs with a dark background or with objects or people that can be seen behind the head will not be accepted. Do not paste the photo to the form, just send them loose. Do not crop the photograph to fit the form.
  • Consular fee. See section Visa fees
  • Passport or travel document recognized as valid with a duration of at least the requested time of stay and must contain at least two free pages in the visa section and a copy of the page where your data and photos appear. In case you cannot present the original at the time of application, you can send a notarized copy and send the passport as soon as possible.
  • Admission certificate: The certificate must detail: name of the program, duration (start and end dates), address, telephone, name of the person in charge of the program.
    • Certificate of admission to a research or training center in an authorized educational center in Spain, for the realization of a full-time program, leading to the obtaining of a degree or certificate of studies.
    • Certificate of admission to a study center, foster care by a family or institution and commitment of the organizer of the program to assume the expenses.
    • Admission for unpaid internships based on the signing of an agreement and copy of the agreement signed between the study center and the public or private company or vocational training center where the internship will be carried out.
    • Agreement with the organization in charge of a volunteer program that includes a description of the activities and conditions to carry them out, as well as the resources available to cover your trip, food and accommodation during your stay.

    • In all cases, the proof must be signed (handwritten or electronically) by a representative of the center or program and must be translated into Spanish.
  • Driver's license and / or Student Card that proves your legal residence in our jurisdiction. If you do not have one, you must prove your residence by providing several of the following documents such as rental contract, electricity bills, telephone, tax return, vehicle insurance, etc ... (Notarized copy in the case of driver's license or student card)
  • U.S. immigration status (not applicable for U.S. citizens): green card, valid U.S. student visa, work permit (stamp in passport), "parole" (Notarized copy)
  • Disclaimer form must be submitted with the application. (See Download forms section)
  • Justification of the financial means necessary to cover the expenses of stay and return to their country, and, where appropriate, those of their relatives. For your support, a minimum amount of $ 700 per month unless you duly prove to have paid in advance for the accommodation for the entire time that the stay will last.
    You must provide one of the following documents:
    • Declaration from the Spanish university or school, or from the U.S. program, assuming full financial responsibility for room and board expenses (often included in the acceptance letter). Stamped and signed and translated into Spanish
    • Proof of financial aid or scholarship of at least $700 per month of stay for room and board translated into Spanish.
    • Notarized letter from parents or guardians, assuming full financial responsibility for lodging and living expenses of at least $700 per month of stay. Suggested text: "I hereby certify that I (father, mother, other, etc.) of (...) I will cover your stay in Spain with 700 dollars per month and that I am responsible for the expenses caused by any emergency." Along with the last 3 bank statements of the parents and the birth certificate of the visa applicant.
    • Last three personal bank statements with at least $700 per month of stay.
    • For the purpose of guaranteeing this support, the amounts used or to be used to defray, where appropriate, the cost of the studies will not be taken into account.
  • “Public or private health insurance certificate taken out with an insurance company authorised to operate in Spain. The insurance must cover all risks insured by the public health system in Spain.
    The health insurance must meet the following requirements:
    The insurance must cover all risks insured by the public health system in Spain. This coverage must be maintained throughout the validity of the authorisation.
    The health insurance must not have a waiting period, grace periods, co-payments, deductions or coverage limit, that is, it must cover 100% of medical, hospital and extra-hospital expenses. However, if the insurance coverage is limited to a certain amount, this limit must not be less than €30,000.
    Travel insurance will not be accepted. Insurance cards will not be accepted as proof of the contracting of health insurance.”
  • Medical certificate with letterhead, signature and seal and license number of the doctor, together with a sworn translation thereof into Spanish indicating:
    "This medical certificate certifies that Mr. / Mrs. (...) He does not suffer from any of the diseases that may have serious public health implications in accordance with the provisions of the International Health Regulations of 2005."
    If you use the bilingual model provided by the consulate (see section "Download forms"), translation is not necessary.
    This certificate is valid for 3 months.
  • Criminal record certificate issued within 6 months prior to the date of application, stating that the applicant has no criminal record in the countries where he has resided for the last five years. You must apply for a background certification verified by fingerprint comparison. Criminal record certification must be issued by the U.S. Department of Justice - Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). (Original and copy)

State or local police criminal certificates are not accepted.
The criminal record must be legalized with the Apostille certification of the Issued by the U.S. Department of State and translated into Spanish by a sworn translator. (The translation does not need Apostille and the Apostille does not need translation)




If the applicant has stayed six months or more during the last five years in another country, he must present the criminal record of that country, legalized with the Apostille Certification and translated into Spanish. If the country is not a party to the Hague Convention, the document must be legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and then by the Spanish Consulate in that country. The legalization must always be done on the original of the document by the country / state issuing it.

Documents required for family members.

For each family member accompanying the student, the following must be presented:

  • The documents listed above.
  • >Accredit economic means to cover the expenses of stay and return to your country. For the maintenance of family members during their stay in Spain: the last three personal bank account statements showing at least a minimum amount of $ 480 for the first family member per month of stay and $ 320 per month for each of the remaining relatives who will be integrated into the family unit in Spain.
  • Original birth certificate of the children legalized with the Hague Apostille and translated into Spanish. Attach a copy of both parents' IDs. If the parents are divorced, present the final decree of divorce and custody of the child legalized with the Apostille certification. If the country is not a party to the Hague Convention, the document must be legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and then by the Spanish Consulate in that country. (Original and copy)
  • Original Marriage Certificate legalized with the Hague Apostille and translated into Spanish. If the country is not a party to the Hague Convention, the document must be legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and then by the Spanish Consulate in that country. (Original and copy)
  • Original Domestic Partnership Certificate legalized with the Hague Apostille and translated into Spanish. If the country is not a party to the Hague Convention, the document must be legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and then by the Spanish Consulate in that country. (Original and copy)
  • Proof of public or private medical insurance (travel insurance will not be accepted) from an insurer recognized and authorized to operate in Spain. The insurance must cover all risks normally covered for nationals and must be maintained throughout the life of the authorization. No deductibles or copays. It must cover, at least, all preventive, diagnostic, treatment, and rehabilitation care activities carried out in health or socio-health centres, as well as urgent medical transport.

Correction of the application: The Consular Office may request the applicant to present the missing documents, or to provide additional documents or data that are necessary for the resolution of the application. The applicant may also be called for a personal interview.


In the case of minors and not traveling accompanied by their parents, the application must be submitted by their parents or duly accredited legal guardians.

In addition to the documents detailed above (requirements 1 to 9), you will need to submit the following:

  • Original birth certificate of the minor, legalized with the Hague Apostille and translated into Spanish. In those countries that are not party to the Hague Convention they must be legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and then by the Spanish Consulate in that country.
  • Legalized copies of the identity documents or passports of the parents or guardians.
  • Notarial authorization of both parents or guardians for the trip to Spain and identifying the person who will take care of the minor in Spain, for the purpose of carrying out the activity in question, with proof of the center, organization, entity and body responsible for the activity and the period of stay planned. This authorization must expressly include the data of the persons who will take care of the minor once he is in Spain, with expression of their names, surnames, DNI or NIE numbers and address. If the document is in another language, it must be translated into Spanish.

Notarized declaration of the person or persons taking care of the minor in Spain, with a copy of the DNI or NIE and certificate of Sexual Nature issued by the Registry of Sex Offenders of the Ministry of Justice (

or express authorization for the Administration to obtain such certification.

Note: We regret we cannot accept photographs that do not meet these requirements

Photo img

Please provide one recent photograph (not more than 6 months old) of yourself, which should not have been used previously in the passport. The photograph should be in colour and:

  • Taken against a white background so that features are distinguishable and contrast against the background.
  • Clear share quality and with the face in focus.
  • Printed on normal photographic paper (camera print).
  • Full face, non-smiling [without sunglasses, a hat/cap or other head covering, unless the applicant wears such items because of their religious belief or ethnic background]
  • Please stick the Photograph on the Visa Application Form.

Note: Please follow these instructions carefully. If photographs presented do not meet these requirements your application will be considered incomplete. A photo booth meeting these requirements is available at the centre.

The visa collection, regardless of the form of presentation, always have to be picked up IN PERSON by the student/conversation assistant/volunteer/au pair, etc., at the BLS Visa Service for Spain office.

The Consulate General of Spain, through BLS – Spain Visa Application Center, Miami, will notify the resolution of the application. The passport must be collected by the applicant personally at the offices of BLS – Spain Visa Application Center, Miami, from Monday to Friday between 3:00 and 4:00 PM, within a maximum period of two months. If the collection is not carried out within the period, it will be understood that the interested party has renounced the visa granted, and the procedure will be archived.

Once the visa has been collected, the applicant must enter Spanish territory during the period of validity. Within one month of entry (for stays longer than 180 days), the foreigner must personally apply for the Foreigner's Identity Card, at the Police Station, Aliens and Documentation Section closest to his home. In the case of minors, this procedure may be carried out by a representative.

If the duration of the studies does not exceed six months, the visa will be sufficient to document the stay.

The processing time for this type of visa can take approximately 2 to 4 weeks. It is recommended that air tickets are not purchased until the visa is granted.

The Consulate General of Spain in Miami has full authority to evaluate and request additional documents from those initially submitted by the applicant.

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