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NON-PROFIT RESIDENCE VISA (retirees, rentiers, etc.)

Visa to reside in Spain without carrying out a lucrative activity (work or professional) as long as you have guaranteed and sufficient means of subsistence. This visa does not authorize work.

US citizens (or any other nationality that does not require a visa to enter Spain) who are staying for less than 90 days do not need to apply for this visa.

The Consulate General of Spain in Miami has jurisdiction over the following states: Florida, Georgia and South Carolina.

Visa applications must be submitted well in advance of the start of the corresponding study programs, as the procedure involves consultations with other authorities.

Incomplete applications are not accepted.

Family members who can obtain a visa to accompany the student:

  • Spouse or legally recognized de facto partner.
  • Children under 18 years of age or children with disabilities.

Forms of document presentation:

All visa applications are submitted IN PERSON at

BLS Visa Service for Spain.BLS - Spain Visa Application Center
Miami National Visa Department, 3191 Coral Way, Suite 611, Miami FL 33145

The deadline for submission will be three months in advance of the planned date of your trip to Spain.

The presentation may be made by the interested party or through a duly accredited representative, for which the notarized model can be used. See Download Forms section.

The visa collection, regardless of the form of presentation, will always be carried out PERSONALLY by the applicant at the BLS Visa Service for Spain office.

An appointment will be requested on the following website: (VisadosNacionales)


Phone: 786-329-7199

In the following link, you can find all the information corresponding to this type of visa:‐+Non-lucrative+residence+visa

The Revised visa fee and BLS service charge are as follows:

Consulate Visa Fee Based on Citizenship & Duration Amount in USD
All other Citizens 94
United States of America 140
Australia 299
Canada 761
United Kingdom shorter 653
Bangladesh 94
Mauritania 252
Ethiopia 490
Residence Fee (optional) 11
BLS Service Fee Amount in USD
All Nationals 18
Notifications (SMS) 5
  • All Fees are non-refundable
  • The Visa Fee is subject to change without notice
  • National visa application form completed and signed.
  • Recent photographs (US passport size) in color, centered, with a uniform and clear background, preferably white. Photographs with a dark background or with objects or people behind the head are not accepted.
  • Passport or travel document recognized with a minimum validity of one year.
  • Immigration status in the United States (not applicable to US citizens): residence card, valid US student visa or US work permit (stamp on the passport) or "parole".
  • Driver's license or Identity Card, with the current address of the State of Florida, Georgia or South Carolina.
  • Proof of sufficient financial resources for the period of residence that you are requesting or proving a source of periodic collection of income not derived from work or possession of an estate that guarantees said collection of income. At least the amount of $2600 per month is required

    The base of the economic income will be increased by $650 additional per month for each member of your family that is in your charge.

    If you are of working age, you must prove receipt of a pension or provide a letter of termination from your employer stating that you will no longer work for that company or, if you are self-employed, you must provide a sworn statement before a Notary indicating that you agree not to work while living in Spain.

    Also, the last tax return must be submit.

    Attach a set of copies of the bank account statements of the last year and/or investment accounts, property rental income, etc.

    In the case of retirees

    • be a beneficiary of a state pension in convertible currency for a monthly amount of 2600 euros per month or its equivalent in dollars.
    • be a beneficiary of an annuity, not capitalizable, payable by public or private institution in convertible currency for a monthly amount of 2600 per month
  • Fee payment
  • “Public or private health insurance certificate taken out with an insurance company authorised to operate in Spain. The insurance must cover all risks insured by the public health system in Spain.
    The health insurance must meet the following requirements:
    The insurance must cover all risks insured by the public health system in Spain. This coverage must be maintained throughout the validity of the authorisation.
    The health insurance must not have a waiting period, grace periods, co-payments, deductions or coverage limit, that is, it must cover 100% of medical, hospital and extra-hospital expenses. However, if the insurance coverage is limited to a certain amount, this limit must not be less than €30,000.
    Travel insurance will not be accepted. Insurance cards will not be accepted as proof of the contracting of health insurance.”
  • Availability of an address as proof of accommodation in the Spanish province where you wish to establish your residence. Present at least one of the following:

    • Declaration signed before a notary in Spain by a relative or friend where he undertakes to house the interested party; or
    • Leasing contract; or
    • Property title; or
    • Explanatory letter indicating the province where you want to reside
  • Medical certificate. A recent doctor´s statement, dated no more than three months before the application date, with the doctor or medical center´s letterhead and license number, duly signed, stamped and translated into Spanish by a sword/certified translator stating:

    "This medical certificate certifies that Mr. / Mrs. (...) does not suffer from any diseases that may have serious implications for public health in accordance with the provisions of the International Health Regulations 2005."

    If you use the bilingual model provided by the consulate (see section "Download forms"), translation is not necessary.

    This certificate is valid for 3 months.

  • Certificate of criminal record dated no more than six months before the application date, stating that applicant does not have criminal record where they have resided for the past five years. Not applicable for students under 18 years old.

    You must request a background check verified by fingerprint comparison. The US Department of Justice - Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) must issue the criminal background check. State or local police criminal certificates are not accepted.

    The background check must be issued within six months prior to the submission of the visa application.


    The criminal record must be legalized with the Apostille certification and translated into Spanish by a sworn/certified translator. (Submit originals of criminal certificate, apostille and translation into Spanish, along with copies of all the documents). State apostilles are not accepted.



    If the applicant has spent six month or more during the last five years in another country/State, he/she must submit the police records from that country/State, legalized with the Apostille Certification and translated into Spanish. If the country is not part of the Hague Convention the document must be legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and then by the Spanish Consulate in that country.

  • Application form for authorization of temporary non-profit residence, model EX01, duly completed and signed. It can be obtained at the following link:

  • Application for a residence permit, Model 790 code 052, section 2.1. “Initial authorization of temporary residence” duly completed and signed. It can be obtained at the following link and the corresponding fee:


    The following are considered relatives for this type of visa:

    • The spouse who is not separated in fact or in law.
    • Common-law partner relationship accredited
    • Own children or those of your spouse or partner, under eighteen or incapacitated. When children are only from one of the spouses, it will also be required to provide final divorce decree containing the provisions on child custody.

    Applications must be submitted at the same time. Once the visa is issued, the passport will always be delivered in person.

    In addition to the documents detailed with Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, must present the following:

  • Accreditation of the family or kinship bond or of the existence of the de facto union and, where appropriate, age and economic dependence.

    • Original marriage certificate for the spouse.
    • Registration of the common-law partner relationship or, if there is no registration, proof of validity of a common-law partner relationship not-registered prior to the beginning of the residence in Spain of foreigner
    • Original birth certificate of the children.
    • Travel authorization signed by both parents and certified copies of their personal identifications

      The parent's travel authorization may be made:

      • before a Notary, legalized or apostilled and officially translated into Spanish if it is written in a language other than Spanish or English;
      • If either parent does not reside in Florida, Georgia or South Carolina, it can be done before the Consulate of Spain corresponding to their place of residence

    In the case of minor children of divorced parents, they must also submit the final divorce decree and Judge’s sentence containing the custody provisions of the minor granting custody to the parent who is processing the visa application, legalized or apostilled and officially translated into Spanish if it is written in a language other than Spanish or English.


Legalization is not necessary if it is a certificate issued by a Civil Registry of a member country of the European Union, European Economic Area or Switzerland.

In the event of granting the visa, the foreigner, must pick it up personally within a maximum period of one month. If the collection is not made within the mentioned period, it will be understood that the interested party has waived the visa granted, and the procedure will be filed.

Once the visa has been collected, the applicant must enter the Spanish territory during the period of validity of the visa, which in no case will exceed three months. Within one month of entering Spain, the foreigner must personally request the Foreigner Identity Card, except in the case of minors, in which it will be requested by their representative.

Note: We regret we cannot accept photographs that do not meet these requirements

Photo img

Please provide one recent photograph (not more than 6 months old) of yourself, which should not have been used previously in the passport. The photograph should be in colour and:

  • Taken against a white background so that features are distinguishable and contrast against the background.
  • Clear share quality and with the face in focus.
  • Printed on normal photographic paper (camera print).
  • Full face, non-smiling [without sunglasses, a hat/cap or other head covering, unless the applicant wears such items because of their religious belief or ethnic background]
  • Please stick the Photograph on the Visa Application Form.

Note: Please follow these instructions carefully. If photographs presented do not meet these requirements your application will be considered incomplete. A photo booth meeting these requirements is available at the centre.

The Consulate General of Spain will notify the granting of the visa, which must be collected by the applicant personally within a maximum period of one month. If the collection is not carried out within the aforementioned period, it will be understood that the interested party has renounced the visa granted, and the procedure will be archived.

Once the visa has been collected, the applicant must enter Spanish territory during its validity period, which in no case will exceed three months.

Within one month of entering Spain, the foreigner must personally request the Foreigner Identity Card, except in the case of minors, in which it will be requested by his or her representative.

All non-profit residence visas require obtaining an initial residence permit authorization, which is processed at the same time as the visa application.

Proof of delivery: The Consular Office will deliver to the interested party an application receipt with a code that allows the processing status of the file to be verified through the link: It will also deliver a copy of the application form (model EX01 ) and, where applicable, proof of payment of the fee (form 790-52)

Correction of the file: The Consular Office may ask the applicant to present the missing documents, or to provide additional documents or data that are necessary to resolve the application. It may also call the applicant to a personal interview.

Deadline to resolve: The legal deadline to make a decision is 3 months from the day following the date of submission of the application, but this deadline may be extended when additional documents or an interview are requested. In any case, as a general rule the approval period for this type of visa is approximately 4 to 6 weeks. This Consulate General recommends that air tickets not be purchased until the visa is granted.

Withdrawal of the visa: The visa must be withdrawn personally by the interested party or by his legal representative (if he is a minor), without the need for an appointment, within a maximum period of 1 month, counting from the day following the date on which it is notified. the favorable resolution.Once your visa has been processed, you will receive a text message telling you that your passport is ready for pickup. You must go to the BLS offices (not the Consulate). The hours allowed for collection are Monday to Friday between 3:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.

Denial of residence authorization or visa: Where applicable, the denial of residence authorization or visa will always be notified in writing, expressing the reasons on which the decision is based.

Appeals: In the event of denial of the residence authorization or visa, the applicant may file a reconsideration appeal with this Consular Office within a period of 1 month from the day following the date on which they receive notification of the denial. You can also file a contentious-administrative appeal before the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid within a period of 2 months from the day following the date on which you receive the notification of the denial of the visa or residence authorization or of the dismissal of the appeal for reconsideration.

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